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The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 65 No. 1

Citation: Rubinstein, David and Stevens, Sylvia (2014) The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society vol. 65 No. 1. The Journal of the Friends' Historical Society, 65 (1).

vol. 65 No. 1 - 2014.pdf

Creative Commons: Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0

1. Contents; 2. Editorial; 3. Friends and War 1899-1945; 4. William Forster Senior and the response of Norwich and Norfolk to Famine in Ireland, 1846-1849; 5. Recent Publications; 6. Biographies.

Creators: Rubinstein, David and Stevens, Sylvia and
Official URL:
Subjects: History
Collections: Friends Historical Society Journal
  • 2014 (published)


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