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The Sixth International Conference 'Language, Culture, and Society in Russian/English Studies

Citation: Stanley, Eric and Kalmar, Tomás Mario and Kitaev, Artem and Slonimskiy, Leonid and Eliot, Simon and Volodarskaya, Emma and Courtney, Julia and Tchougounova-Paulson, Elena and Foster, Graham and Sepeshvari, Vera and Stein, Gabriele and Ilson, Robert and McGregor, Charles and Szymański, Leszek and Bailey, Janine and Konshuh, Courtnay and Kotake, Tadashi and Allen, Rosamund and Mester, Annegret and Matyushina, Inna and Benabdi, Farouk and Chorfi, Fatima (2016) The Sixth International Conference 'Language, Culture, and Society in Russian/English Studies. University of London, London.

Articles: Stanley, Eric. RIDDLING: a serious pursuit through the ages and in many languages; Kalmar, Tomás Mario. Then Alfred took the throne and then what? Parker’s error and Plummer’s blind spot; Kitaev, Artem and Leonid Slonimskiy. Malevich’s Grave:
from figurative to non-figurative and back: A research project
on the history of Kazimir Malevich’s ashes burial site in the context
of the perception of historical avant-garde in Soviet and post-Soviet culture; Eliot, Simon. The History of Communication: A Case Study. The Ministry of Information 1939-46; Volodarskaya, Emma. Translation of Shakespeare’s works in Russia; Courtney, Julia. Doomed Heroes: Bulgarian patriots in late
nineteenth- and early twentieth-century English translations
of Turgenev’s On the Eve and I. M. Vazov’s Under the Yoke; Tchougounova-Paulson, Elena. Alexander Blok and the ‘seal of
Decadence’: on the example of his article ‘Stagnation’ (1906); Foster, Graham. Russian Holiday: Anthony Burgess
in Leningrad, 1961; Sepeshvari, Vera. A Musical Pun: Challenges of English-Russian Translation; Stein, Gabriele. The Author behind the Lexicographer; Ilson, Robert. Larking about among the Varieties; McGregor, Charles. Reifying vocabulary; Szymański, Leszek. Selected issues in aspect-modality interaction:
English modal auxiliaries and the morphological aspect of the main
verb; Bailey, Janine. The St Petersburg Gospels and the Athelstan Royal Gospels: Palaeographic Purpose; Konshuh, Courtnay. Edward the Elder’s Burghal Policy and Ideology in West Saxon Overlordship of Britain; Kotake, Tadashi. ‘Non A-type’ glosses in the Cambridge Psalter (Cambridge, University Library, Ff. 1.23): A case study of double
glosses; Allen, Rosamund. How Does One Pronounce a Mis-Spelling?; Mester, Annegret. The Six Swans of the Romance of the Cheuelere Assigne: sources and analogues; Matyushina, Inna. Words before blows: flyting in Old English, German, Norse and Russian tradition; Benabdi, Farouk. The School Boards and their Abolition in England: 1870-1902; Chorfi, Fatima. The Article: The Origins of the Labour Party prior to 1906.

Creators: Stanley, Eric and Kalmar, Tomás Mario and Kitaev, Artem and Slonimskiy, Leonid and Eliot, Simon and Volodarskaya, Emma and Courtney, Julia and Tchougounova-Paulson, Elena and Foster, Graham and Sepeshvari, Vera and Stein, Gabriele and Ilson, Robert and McGregor, Charles and Szymański, Leszek and Bailey, Janine and Konshuh, Courtnay and Kotake, Tadashi and Allen, Rosamund and Mester, Annegret and Matyushina, Inna and Benabdi, Farouk and Chorfi, Fatima and
Subjects: Culture, Language & Literature
Divisions: Institute of English Studies
  • 2016 (published)


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