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The Unsustainability of the Neoliberal Public University: Towards an Ethnography of Precarity in Academia

Citation: Pérez, Marta and Montoya, Ainhoa (2018) The Unsustainability of the Neoliberal Public University: Towards an Ethnography of Precarity in Academia. Disparidades. Revista de Antropología (formerly Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares), 73 (1). pp. 9-24. ISSN 1988-8457

Spurred by our concern for the university institution and its increasing dependence on unstable employment contracts, we present possible approaches for future analyses of precarity in the academic world. We emphasise the most invisible aspects of precarity that materialise in the neoliberal practices to which we adhere in our daily lives. Such practices render us—and academia—vulnerable, while transforming academic work into an individual and competitive endeavour. Our goal is to seek other imaginaries for both academia and the university institution, reclaiming its public quality as a common project and questioning its nature.

Creators: Pérez, Marta and Montoya, Ainhoa (0000-0001-7052-4318) and
Official URL:
Subjects: Politics
Sociology & Anthropology
Keywords: Academia, Precarity, Neoliberalism, Public University, Ethnography.
Divisions: ?? imlr-clacs ??
  • 1 January 2018 (published)
  • 1 September 2017 (accepted)


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