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Number of items: 54.

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Secret note on talks between Roosevelt and Churchill. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Complaints from Curdell Hull on United Press reports. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Agreement between the UK government and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Hayter, William Goodenough and Butler, Neville M. (1941) Suggestion that H.E. speak to Sumner Welles and Cordell Hull. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Receipt of the King's instrument of ratification on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Covering note to Aide-mémoire for Cordell Hull. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Request for forwarding of Resolution (included) on British-American co-operation. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible and S., C. and Butler, Neville M. (1941) Potential exchange of British and Norweigan ships in French ports for French shipping held by the British authorities. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Letter on the Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Intelligence on the disposition of contributions to the 'Spitfire Fund'. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Acknowledgement of receipt of a note informing of the signing of Treaty for the Advancement of Peace. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Information regarding the status of British protection in Guadeloupe. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Message refering to telegram about the supervision of British interests in Guadeloupe. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Letter in response to Halifax's telegram of July 19th 1940. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Report of a telephone conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt's personal secretary. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Report of a telephone conversation with Eleanor Roosevelt on the matter of private war contributions. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1941) Draft of a message on contributions to the Allied war effort. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Receipt of letter concerning proposed bases in Trinidad. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Report of Princess Juliana of the Netherland's visit to the US. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Flights to take aerial photographs in the Caribbean. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Appointment by the King of Halifax as UK Ambassador to US. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Covering letter to copies of draft leases from US State Department for proposed bases on Caribbean islands. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Permission granted to take aerial photographs in the Caribbean. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Bermuda Assembly communiqué to Governor regarding the construction of a US naval base in Bermuda. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Details of despatch by Trinidad Governor Sir Hubert Young on his objections to US proposals for US bases on Trinidad. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Receipt of amounts in loans owed by the UK under 1923 Debt Agreement. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) US naval pilots have left for the Dutch East Indies, and the Netherlands have purchased 300 aircraft from the US. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) US Inter-Departmental Committee on construction of bases on British territory. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Explanation of the US Nationality Act 1940 for an enquiry by the Manager of the Royal Bank of Canada in Puerto Rico. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Annoucement that all concerned British authorities have agreed to leasing the US land for bases in the Caribbean. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) British comments on construction of US base on Caribbean islands. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Message concerning the construction of seaplane bases in Bermuda and St. Lucia. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Respective British Caribbean governments have all agreed to US bases. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Respective Caribbean governments agree to US request for construction of bases on territory. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Confirmation of lease by the UK to the US of land in Newfoundland for base construction. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) UK Embassy Chargé d'affaires and US Secretary of State discuss US bases on British territory. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) British government decisions on issues relating to construction of US bases on British territory. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Receipt of letter from US Navy Department on seaplane base construction on St. Lucia. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) UK Embassy Chargé d'affaires and Colonel Knox discuss establishment of US bases on British territory. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Covering letter to US Naval Secretary's version of the draft leases for US bases in Newfoundland. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Permission granted to take aerial photographs in the Caribbean. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Problems and revisions to proposed US air and naval bases in Trinidad. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Report of Italian military mission training the Ecuadorean Army. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer and Butler, Neville M. (1940) Internal correspondence at the British Embassy regarding its attempts to obtain ten Naval Destroyers from the US. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) US agree to oral discussions, and their delay but decline to outline which islands they lay claim to until the oral discussions begin. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Reaction to allied reverses in the Low Countries. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Discussion of official British response to US enemy export requirements. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Covering letter to proposed amendments to draft of Treaty of Establishment Commerce, Navigation and Consular Rights between the US and India. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Receipt of proposed amendments to draft of Treaty of Establishment of Commerce, Navigation and Consular Rights between the US and India. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Outlines US government's willingness to look after British interests in Europe. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Minutes on UK in Greenland. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Notes discussing Japanese request to withdraw silver from a bank in the British Tianjin concession. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Butler, Neville M. (1940) Note of thanks for receipt of Lincoln Cathedral copy of Magna Carta at the Library of Congress. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Unknown and Butler, Neville M. (1940) Correspondence between Embassy officials concerning US Navy Department's requests for bases in Newfoundland. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

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