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Number of items: 52.

Illegible (1941) Covering letter to Joint Declaration (State Department version). No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Secret notes on the status of France in the Joint Declaration. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Internal notes on India and Joint Declaration. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Covering missive to copy of a letter by General Doyen. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Discusses possible telegram to FO on reasons why US may not be willing to take action on possible Japanese aggression to Russia. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Lend Lease and Turkey. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Future talking points with Secretary Hull and Under Secretary Welles on Japan. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) British requirements for technical officers from the US. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Confusion between Secretary Hull's and R. Craigie's reports from Tokyo regarding Japanese war ambitions. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Illegible and Hayter, William Goodenough and Campbell, Ronald Ian (1941) Suggested actions on UK Ambassdor to Japan's three telegrams on US-Japanese negotiations on the Far East. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Doubts raised over US interpretation of Japanese intentions in Far East. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Discussion with Lord Halifax regarding negotiations with Japanese. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Report on discussion regarding US-Japanese negotiations. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Proposed talking points for UK Ambassador to raise with Secretary Hull on japanese negotiations. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Report on conversation with Vice-President concerning Committee on Economic Defense. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Secret message regarding ability to censor the press. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Note concerning minutes by Mr. Dening with no details on what those minutes are. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Millar, Frederick Robert Hoyer and Foster, John and Illegible (1941) Notes on conversation between First Secretary Hayter and Air Ministry's Cribbett. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Brief notes on Japanese movements in Indo-China. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Letter on the general Turkish position. No Publisher, tr. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Overview of the contents of eight telegrams on the subject of Japan. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Report of American-Dutch-British Staff Conversations at Singapore. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Request for message to be passed on to the President of the US. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) HMG opening of a further account with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York for the UK government. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Discussion of ammendments to the Lend Lease Act. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible and S., C. and Butler, Neville M. (1941) Potential exchange of British and Norweigan ships in French ports for French shipping held by the British authorities. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Netherlands government request for US to support declaration of war if attacked by the Japanese. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Secret note in support of Peake's thoughts on the Presidential trip to meet the Prime Minister. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1941) Internal notes on India and Joint Declaration. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1940) Details on British and US correspondence regarding both claims for Pacific island sovereignty. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1940) Cover note and notes on a conversation between British Ambassador to Japan with Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs on Japan's negotiations with the US. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1940) Note on Imperial War Graves Commission and burial of British soldiers. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1940) Note on Imperial War Graves Commission. No Publisher, us. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1940) Pressuring the State Department regarding the British establishment of a postal service on Canton island. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1940) Two Seventh Day Adventists concerned about co-religionists on Pitcairn island. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1939) Discussing H.M.G. response to US Navy support for Pitcairn islanders. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1939) British Vice Consul in Wilington, North Carolina, George Frederick Todd. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1939) Guatemala resolutions at the Americas Republics Finance Ministers meeting. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1939) Thanks from Sir Neville Henderson regarding support he received from the US Embassy in his trip to Berlin. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1939) British request for the US to protect British persons taken prisoner of war. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1939) UK Ambassador to read note to State Department regarding British garrisons in China. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1939) Thanks for draft telegram to Fiji. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1939) Arrangements with US State Department concerning Earl Baldwin's visit to the US. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1939) Secret cover to a draft telegram on emergency landing grounds in Fiji. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible and Mallet, Victor Alexander Louis (1939) US State Department evading issue on defining which vessels are considered warships. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1939) Discussion of US-Brazil military relations. No Publisher. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1938) Strategic importance of the Pacific Islands. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1937) Receipt of letter on aviation. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1937) Proposed sea dome in Suva, Fiji. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1937) Committee of Imperial Defence minutes on the strategic importance of the Pacific islands. No Publisher, uk. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1936) Importance of certain Pacific islands to HMG. No Publisher, usdc. (Unpublished)

Illegible (1936) Covering note to message from the Commodore of New Zealand. No Publisher, ukwp. (Unpublished)

This list was generated on Wed Feb 19 02:32:53 2025 GMT.