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Number of items: 13.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2019) Women Writing Heimat in Imperial and Weimar Germany. German Life & Letters (journal), 72 (1). Wiley, Oxford. ISBN ISSN: 00168777

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2011) Tales of the Unexpected: German-Jewish Women Writers in Early 20th-Century Berlin. In: Dean's Seminar, 16 February 2011, School of Advanced Study. (Unpublished)

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2009) Else Croner und die "moderne Jüdin". In: Hammel and Weiss-Sussex (eds), ‘Not an Essence but a Positioning’: German-Jewish Women Writers, 1900-1938. Meidenbauer, Munich, pp. 55-76.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2009) On the Relationship between Hesse’s Painting and Writing: 'Wanderung',' Klingsors letzter Sommer', 'Gedichte des Malers' and 'Piktors Verwandlungen'. In: A Companion to the Works of Hermann Hesse. Camden House, New York, pp. 345-372.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2006) Berlin Literature and its Use in the Marketing of the “New Berlin”’, in Urban Mindscapes of Europe.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2006) ‘Berlin – A City “Condemned to Forever Become and Never to Be”?, in The Cultural Identity of European Cities.

Weiss-sussex, Godela and Zitzlsperger, Ulrike (2006) Berlin. Kultur und Metropole in den Zwanziger und Neunziger Jahren.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2006) Bertolt Brecht – A Reassessment of his Work and Legacy.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2006) Metropolitan Chronicles. Georg Hermann’s Berlin Novels 1897 to 1912.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2006) ‘“A Ridiculous Thing to Do”: Yvonne Kapp and Brecht in Translation’, in Bertolt Brecht – A Reassessment of his Work and Legacy.

Weiss-sussex, Godela and Bianchini, Franco (2006) Urban Mindscapes of Europe. European Studies, 23 . Rodopi, Amsterdam.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2004) Georg Hermann.Deutsch-jüdischer Schriftsteller und Journalist,1871-1943. Conditio Judaica, 48 . Max Niemeyer Verlag, Tübingen.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2004) Impressionismus als Weltanschauung. Die Kunstkritik Georg Hermanns. In: Godela Weiss-Sussex (ed.), 'Georg Hermann. Deutsch-jüdischer Schriftsteller und Journalist, 1871-1943'. Niemeyer, Tübingen, pp. 87-101.

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