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Number of items: 187.


Abraham, Ann (2006) Ombudsmen and administrative justice. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (63). pp. 18-23.

Andrews, Margaret (2006) The Strangers in the Sanctuary: Creative and Resistant Re-signification of Spaces in Barcelona During Public Debate about Immigration Laws in the Early 2000s. In: Fortress Europe and Its "Others": Cultural Representations in Film, Media and the Arts conference, April 4-6 2005, IGRS.

Andrews, Margaret (2006) The persistence of ethics and the search for solidarity: feminist internet spaces in Spain. In: Internet Identities in Europe conference. (Unpublished)

Aswani, Ravi (2006) Non-disclosure in insurance law: a more principled approach. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (64). pp. 10-14.

Attar, Karen (2006) Why Appoint Professionals? A Student Cataloguing Project.


Bates, David and Nelson, Janet L and Roueche, Charlotte and Winters, Jane (2006) Peer Review and Evaluation of Digital Resources for the Arts and Humanities Final Report. Project Report. (Unpublished)

Beckett, John (2006) Roundtable discussion. In: History and the public, 13-14 February 2006, Institute of Historical Research. (Unpublished)

Bohm, Nicholas (2006) Watch what you sign! Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Bowman, Geoffrey (2006) The art of legislative drafting. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (64). pp. 2-9.

Bradley, Helen (2006) Transcriptions of the 'Views of Hosts'. [Transcribed text] (Unpublished)

Bradley, Helen and Davies, Matthew (2006) Views of Hosts: reporting the alien commodity trade, 1440-45 (ESRC RES-000-22-0628): End of award research report by Dr Helen Bradley and Dr Matthew Davies. Project Report. (Unpublished)

Bradley, Helen and Merry, Mark and Davies, Matthew (2006) Views of Hosts: Reporting the Alien Commodity Trade, 1440-45 database. [Dataset]


Campbell, Andrew (2006) Investment risks and the regulator - educator or spoilsport? Amicus Curiae, 2006 (65). p. 1. ISSN 1461-2097

Cartwright, Nancy (2006) From Metaphysics to Method: Comments on Manipulability and the Causal Markov Condition. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 57 . pp. 197-218.

Caruana, Louis (2006) Science and Ethics: tracing parallels and contrasts.

Case Note:, Brazil (2006) Case Note: Brazil. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Case Note:, Brazil (2006) Case Note: Brazil. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Case Note:, Germany (2006) Case Note: Germany. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Case Note:, Germany (2006) Case Note: Germany. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Case Note:, Greece (2006) Case Note: Greece. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Case Note:, Thailand (2006) Case Note: Thailand. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Chiari, Eleanor (2006) Crossroads of Memory: Death, Trauma and Public Space in Turin. In: The Politics of Cultural Memory conference, November 2003, Manchester Metropolitan University. (In Press)

Chiari, Eleanor (2006) Nazi Demons and Sicilian Monsters. The “Monsters of Villarbasse”, Piedmontese anxieties, and the wounds of World War II. In: Monsters and the Monstrous Myths and Metaphors of Enduring Evil, May 2003, Budapest.

Chiari, Eleanor (2006) Photographs of Turin’s prison ‘Le Nuove. [Image]

Chiari, Eleanor (2006) A Place of Ordinary Suffering. In: The Future of Memory, November 2005, University of Salford.

Chiari, Eleanor (2006) Tearing Down the Joint: 1976 riots in Le Nuove and the end of Revolution. In: Stato di Eccezione: Cultural Responses to the Rhetoric of Fear, March 2004, New York University, Department of Italian Studies. (Unpublished)

Clapinska, Lydia (2006) Post-legislative scrutiny of legislation derived from the European Union. Masters thesis, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, School of Advanced Study.

Clarke, Anthony (2006) The differing approach to commercial litigation in the European Court of Justice and the courts of England and Wales I. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (65). pp. 2-8.

Clarke, Anthony (2006) The differing approach to commercial litigation in the European Court of Justice and the courts of England and Wales II. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (66). pp. 2-9. ISSN 1461-2097

Clover, David (2006) Visions of the Caribbean: exploring photographs in the West India Committee Collection. Society for Caribbean Studies Annual Conference Papers, 7 . ISSN 1471-2024

Cowley, John (2006) West Indies Blues: an historical overview 1920s-1950s — blues and music from the English-speaking West Indies. In: “Nobody Knows Where the Blues Come From”: Lyrics and History. University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, pp. 187-263. ISBN 1934110299

Crane, Tim (2006) Brentano’s Concept of Intentional Inexistence.

Crane, Tim (2006) Is there a Perceptual Relation?

Credits, Volume 3 (2006) Credit information for Volume 3. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Cushion, Stephen (2006) The 1941 miners' strike in northern France: from a dispute over soap to armed resistance. Socialist History (29). pp. 41-55. ISSN 0969 4331


Ershova, E.A. (2006) The service contract in Russia: parties, definitions, contents and form. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (68). pp. 10-17. ISSN 1461-2097


Falciai, Roberta and Liberati, Laura (2006) The Italian certified e-mail system. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Fischer-Dieskau, Stefanie and Wilke, Daniel (2006) Electronically signed documents: legal requirements and measures for their long-term conservation. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Flippen, Edward (2006) The Energy Policy Act of 2005: a missed opportunity. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (63). pp. 1-2. ISSN 1461-2097

Forgan, Liz (2006) Whose heritage? In: History and the public, 13-14 February 2006, Institute of Historical Research. (Unpublished)

Foster, Andrew (2006) History in British Education: Issues of Progression and Assessment Action Plan. In: History in British Education: Issues of Progression and Assessment, 25 October 2006, Institute of Historical Research. (Unpublished)

Foster, Nicholas H.D. (2006) Encounters between legal systems: recent cases concerning Islamic commercial law in secular courts. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (68). pp. 2-9. ISSN 1461-2097

Freiheit, Jörn and Luuk, Marc and Münch, Susanne and Sijanski, Grozdana and Zangl, Fabrice (2006) Lexecute: visualisation and representation of legal procedures. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

French, R.S. (2006) Co-operative federalism in Australia - an intellectual resource for Europe I. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (65). pp. 9-17.

French, R.S. (2006) Co-operative federalism in Australia - an intellectual resource for Europe II. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (66). pp. 17-24. ISSN 1461-2097

Fricker, Miranda (2006) Powerlessness and Social Interpretation.

Frigg, Roman (2006) Chaos and Randomness: An Equivalence Proof of a Generalised Version of the Shannon Entropy and the Kolmogorov-Sinai Entropy for Hamiltonian Dynamical Systems.

Frigg, Roman (2006) Scientific Representation and the Semantic View of Theories.

Frigg, Roman and Berkovitz, J and Kronz, F (2006) The Ergodic Hierarchy, Randomness and Chaos.

Frigg, Roman and Cartwright, N (2006) String Theory under Scrutiny.

Frigg, Roman and Hartmann, S (2006) Models in Science.

Frigg, Roman and Hartmann, S (2006) Scientific Models.


Gassen, Dominik (2006) A system of trust: German civil law notaries and their role in providing trustworthy electronic documents and communication. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Gasser, Christoph and Peters, Stefanie (2006) Submission of evidence through digital documents in Swiss civil litigation. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Gauci, Perry (2006) Final Report to the Leverhulme Trust for Research Project F264/H: English Merchant Culture: The Overseas Trader in State and Society, 1660-1720. UNSPECIFIED.

Gholizadeh, Ahad (2006) The evidential value of the data-message in Iran. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .


Harris, Julian (2006) A Friend of the Court. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (68). p. 1. ISSN 1461-2097

Hartmann, Stephan and Beisbart, C (2006) Welfarism and the Assessments of Social Decision Rules.

Hartmann, Stephan and Bovens, L (2006) An Impossibility Result for Coherence Rankings.

Hartmann, Stephan and Haenni, R (2006) Modeling Partially Reliable Information Sources: A General Approach Based on Dempster-Shafer Theory.

Haynes, Andrew (2006) Tackling Market Abuse. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (66). p. 1. ISSN 1461-2097

Hayward, Sally (2006) Website owners and Part III of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (64). pp. 17-19.

Homiski, Colin J.P. (2006) Celebrating British Music: Michael Finnissy at 60. [Show/Exhibition]


Insa, Fredesvinda (2006) The admissibility of electronic evidence in court in Europe. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Institute of Classical Studies (2006) Advisory Council Minutes. (Unpublished)

Institute of Classical Studies (2006) Advisory Council Minutes. (Unpublished)

Institute of English Studies, IES (2006) London Palaeography Summer School programme [Summer School in Manuscript Studies] 2006. In: London Palaeography Summer School [Summer School in Manuscript Studies] 2006, 26-30 June 2006, Senate House.


Jayasuriya, Dayanath (2006) Good stock market governance in the context of anti-money laundering regimes. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (65). pp. 26-28.

Jayasuriya, Dayanath (2006) The expanding frontiers of international law in the fight against corruption. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (67). pp. 7-10. ISSN 1461-2097

Jeremiah, Emily (2006) Motherhood to Mothering and Beyond: Maternity in Recent Feminist Thought. Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, 8 (1/2). pp. 21-33.


Kalderon, Mark (2006) Epistemic Relativism. In: [book symposium].

Kalderon, Mark (2006) Groundwork for a Nonconcessive Expressivism. In: SOFIA XVI.

Kalderon, Mark (2006) Respecting Value. In: In Pursuit of Reason: Engaging Joseph Raz on Reason and Value, May 2006, Institute of Philosophy.

Kearns, Paul (2006) Antipathy to art in a recalcitrant court. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (67). pp. 25-28. ISSN 1461-2097

Kempson, Ruth and Cann, Ronnie (2006) Dynamic Syntax and dialogue modelling: preliminaries for a dialogue-driven account of syntactic change.

Kempson, Ruth and Cann, Ronnie and Purver, Matthew (2006) Talking and Listening: Dialogue and the Grammar-Pragmatics Interface.

Kempson, Ruth and Thwala, Nhlanhla and Marten, Lutz (2006) Siswati Clefts: The Meeting Ground of Context and Contrast.


Lal, Brij V (2006) BDEEP vB10: Fiji. British Documents on the End of Empire, B (10). The Stationary Office, London.

Lambert, Janet (2006) Electronic disclosure in England & Wales. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Lappin, Shalom and Fernandez, R and Ginzburg, J and Gregory, H (2006) SHARDS: Fragment Resolution in Dialogue.

Law, Stephen (2006) Honderich and the Curse of Epiphenomenalism.

Lee, Hyunseon (2006) „[…] so wundersam exotisch dieses Lied […]“ Franz Lehárs Operettenmusik als Medium kultureller Identifikation. LiLi. Zeitschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Linguistik, 141 . pp. 100-119.

Liebscher, Martin (2006) Jungs Abkehr von Freud im Lichte seiner Nietzsche-Rezeption.

Liebscher, Martin (2006) Kontinuitäten und Brüche. Österreichs literarischer Wiederaufbau nach 1945. UNSPECIFIED.

Liebscher, Martin (2006) ‘“Wotan” und “Puer Aeternus”. Die zeithistorische Verstrickung von C. G. Jungs Zarathustrainterpretation’.

Liebscher, Martin (2006) Zarathustra – Der Archetypus des Alten Weisen.

Liebscher, Martin and Perkins, Mary Anne (2006) Nationalism versus Cosmopolitanism in German Thought and Culture 1789-1914. Essays on the Emergence of Europe. Mellen Press.

Linh, Nguyen D. (2006) The Electronic Signature Law in Vietnam: a note. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .


Maniruzzaman, A.F.M. (2006) Global business and human rights. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (67). pp. 11-12. ISSN 1461-2097

Mann, Nicholas and Bell, Tony (2006) 2004-2005 School Annual Report. Project Report.

Mason, Stephen (2006) Editorial. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

McIntyre, Darryl (2006) An Australian perspective on public history. In: History and the public, 13-14 February 2006, Institute of Historical Research. (Unpublished)

McMullen, John (2006) Recent judicial and legislative developments in the law of transfer of undertakings. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (63). pp. 24-28.

McMullen, John (2006) Transfer of undertakings: content and structure of the TUPE Regulations 2006. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (66). pp. 10-15. ISSN 1461-2097

Memess, Heather and Whittle, Steven (2006) Intute: Law – finding the best of the Web for Law.

Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip (2006) Paper: 'Family and household in late seventeenth-century London'. In: Economic History Society annual conference.

Merry, Mark and Baker, Philip (2006) Paper: 'Households and families in seventeenth-century London'. In: European Association for Urban History conference. (Unpublished)

Millum, Danny (2006) Conference Programme. In: History and the public, 13-14 February 2006, Institute of Historical Research. (Unpublished)

Myhill, Olwen and Keene, Derek (2006) Metropolis and State in Early Modern Europe (c.1400-1800) conference programme. In: UNSPECIFIED.


Narayan, Uma (2006) IALS Library research guide: India. [Guide or manual]

Nathan, K.V.S.K. (2006) The independence of arbitrators. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (68). pp. 18-22. ISSN 1461-2097

News, Items (2006) News Items. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Norman, Paul (2006) Comparative law.

Norman, Paul (2006) Gateways, portails and Zugänge: a survey of some European national legal resources on the Internet. Legal Information Management, 6 (1). pp. 34-37. ISSN 1472-6696


Otsuka, Michael (2006) How to be a Libertarian without being Inegalitarian.


Papineau, David (2006) The Cultural Origins of Cognitive Adapatations.

Papineau, David (2006) Phenomenal and Perceptual Concepts.

Pizzi, Katia (2006) Graveyards of Memory at the Northeastern Borders of Italy.

Power, Gerry (2006) Visit to the Faculty of Law in the University of Jos, Nigeria.


Rachavelias, Michael G. (2006) Case Translation: Greece. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Read, Katherine (2006) An overview of German academic and legal research libraries: A CILIP sponsored visit to Hamburg, Berlin & Leipzig.

Ritchie, Graham (2006) The Education Minister and the disqualified teachers. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (65). pp. 19-25.

Roebuck, Derek (2006) Customary law before the Conquest. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (68). pp. 23-32. ISSN 1461-2097

Rohrmann, Carlos Alberto (2006) Comments about the Brazilian Supreme Court electronic signature case law. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Rohrmann, Carlos Alberto (2006) Electronic Signatures and court proceedings in Brazil. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Rye, Gill (2006) La prise de la parole de la mère: Marie Ndiaye’s "La Sorcière" (1996). In: The Mother and Creativity in French and Francophone Writing and Culture, December 2006, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Rye, Gill (2006) Maternal Genealogies: the figure of the Mother in/and literature. Journal of Romance Studies, 6 (3). pp. 117-126. ISSN 1473-3536

Rye, Gill (2006) À contre silence: the violation of women’s bodies in Leïla Marouane’s 'Le Châtiment des hypocrites'. In: 'Women In French' conference. (Unpublished)


Sainsbury, Mark (2006) Austerity and Openness.

Samuels, Richard (2006) Is the Mind Massively Modular?

Scafi, Alessandro (2006) The Image of Persia in Western Medieval Cartography. In: Proceedings of the 5th conference of the Societas Iranological Europæa held in Ravenna, 6-11 October 2003. Edited by Antonio Panaino and Riccardo Zipoli. Mimesis Edizioni, Milan.

Schapper, Paul R. and Rivolta, Mercedes and Malta, Joao Veiga (2006) Risk and law in authentication. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Segal, Gabriel (2006) Cognitive Content and Propositional Attitude Ascriptions.

Segal, Gabriel (2006) Truth and Meaning.

Segal, Naomi (2006) Circuits of desire & loss: Marivaux & My best friend’s wedding. [Discussion or working paper] (Unpublished)

Segal, Naomi (2006) Is the lost object an imaginary friend, a phantom limb or a second skin? [Discussion or working paper]

Segal, Naomi (2006) ‘O dieses ist das Tier, das es nicht gibt’: Rilke and unicorns. [Discussion or working paper] (Unpublished)

Segal, Naomi (2006) The other French Freud: Didier Anzieu – the story of a skin. [Discussion or working paper]

Sherr, Avrom (2006) At Century’s Dawn – Future and Past of Human Rights and Rule of Law.

Sherr, Avrom (2006) Bringing the Good News from Ghent to Aix.

Sherr, Avrom (2006) The Case of the Common Law in European Legal Education.

Sherr, Avrom (2006) The Case of the Common Law in European Legal Education.

Sherr, Avrom (2006) Do Lawyers Do Any Good.

Sherr, Avrom (2006) Does God Believe in Human Rights?

Sherr, Avrom (2006) Ethics of Prosecution.

Sherr, Avrom (2006) Legal Education - where do we begin ? Starting again ... again.

Sherr, Avrom (2006) Legal Education for Specialisation in England and Wales.

Sherr, Avrom (2006) Other side of the mountain. Project Report.

Sherr, Avrom (2006) Tabula Rasa and other Fairytales.

Sherr, Avrom and Webley, Lisa (2006) Legal Ethics in England and Wales.

Smejkal, Vladimír (2006) Contemporary enactment of the electronic signature in the Czech Republic. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .

Smith, Barry (2006) Consciousness: An Inner View of the Outer World.

Smith, Barry (2006) Davidson, Interpretation and First Person Constraints on Meaning.

Smith, Barry (2006) Publicity, Externalism and Inner States.

Smith, Barry (2006) What I Know When I Know a Language.

Smith, Barry (2006) Why We Still Need Knowledge of Language.

Smith, Charles Saumarez (2006) Art history and the public at the National Gallery. In: History and the public, 13-14 February 2006, Institute of Historical Research. (Unpublished)

Smith, Imran O. (2006) Terrorism, pre-emptive self defence and state interests: what challenges for contemporary international legal order? Amicus Curiae, 2006 (67). pp. 14-24. ISSN 1461-2097

Sprack, John (2006) Age discrimination: the new Regulations. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (67). pp. 2-6. ISSN 1461-2097

Stitilis, Darius and Petrauskas, Rimantas and Rotomskis, Irmantas (2006) Implementation of public e-services for immovable property contracts in Lithuania. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .


Thomas, Lord Justice (2006) Judicial and executive branches of government - a new partnership? Amicus Curiae, 2006 (63). pp. 3-14. ISSN 1461-2097

Tosh, John (2006) Historical thinking and the enhancement of public debate. In: History and the public, 13-14 February 2006, Institute of Historical Research. (Unpublished)

Travis, Charles (2006) Insensitive Semantics.

Turner, Michael (2006) London Book Trades Database: Snapshots. [Dataset]

Tyldesley, Peter (2006) Insurance law - unfair, unclear, archaic and inaccessible? Amicus Curiae, 2006 (64). p. 1. ISSN 1461-2097


Van Mierlo, Wim (2006) Influence, Confluence, and Writing in the Margins: Reading Notes and Literary History. In: 'Material Cultures and the Creation of Knowledge' conference, 21-24 July 2005, Centre for the History of the Book, University of Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Voorhoeve, Alex (2006) Preference Change and Interpersonal Comparisons of Welfare.

Voorhoeve, Alex (2006) Should Losses Count? A Critique of the Complaint Model.

Voorhoeve, Alex and Binmore, K (2006) Transitivity, the Sorites Paradox, and Similarity-Based Decision-Making.

van Esch, Simone (2006) The electronic prescription of medication in a Netherlands hospital. Digital Evidence and Electronic Signature Law Review, 3 .


Webster, Peter and Jones, Ian (2006) Anglican ‘Establishment’ reactions to ‘pop’ church music in England, 1956–c.1990. Studies in Church History, 42 . pp. 429-441.

Webster, Peter and Jones, Ian (2006) The theological problem of popular music for worship in contemporary Christianity. Crucible. The journal of Christian social ethics, July-S . pp. 9-16.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2006) Berlin Literature and its Use in the Marketing of the “New Berlin”’, in Urban Mindscapes of Europe.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2006) ‘Berlin – A City “Condemned to Forever Become and Never to Be”?, in The Cultural Identity of European Cities.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2006) Bertolt Brecht – A Reassessment of his Work and Legacy.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2006) Metropolitan Chronicles. Georg Hermann’s Berlin Novels 1897 to 1912.

Weiss-sussex, Godela (2006) ‘“A Ridiculous Thing to Do”: Yvonne Kapp and Brecht in Translation’, in Bertolt Brecht – A Reassessment of his Work and Legacy.

Weiss-sussex, Godela and Bianchini, Franco (2006) Urban Mindscapes of Europe. European Studies, 23 . Rodopi, Amsterdam.

Weiss-sussex, Godela and Zitzlsperger, Ulrike (2006) Berlin. Kultur und Metropole in den Zwanziger und Neunziger Jahren.

Whittle, Steven (2006) Finding not seeking: Law on the UK’s Social Science Information Gateway. [Discussion or working paper]

Whittle, Steven (2006) Intute Law Workbook. [Guide or manual]

Whittle, Steven and Gee, David (2006) Intute Foreign, Comparative and International Law Workbook. [Guide or manual]

Willison, Ian (2006) Centre and Creative Periphery in the Histories of the Book in the English Speaking World and Global English Studies: A Propos The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain.

Willison, Ian (2006) The History of the Book as a Field of Study within the Humanities.

Willison, Ian (2006) An agenda for imperial and post-imperial book history.

Winters, Jane and Wright, Catherine (2006) Peer review project online survey report. Project Report. (Unpublished)

Winterton, Jules (2006) Globalisation and Law Libraries - trends and challenges. In: Organisation of South African Law Libraries (OSALL) Annual Meeting.

Winterton, Jules (2006) Law libraries and their users. In: BIALL Handbook of Legal Information Management. Ashgate.

Wolff, Jonathan (2006) Libertarianism, Utility and Economic Competition.

Wolff, Jonathan (2006) Models of Distributive Justice.

Wolff, Jonathan (2006) Philosophy at University College London: Part 1: From Jeremy Bentham to the Second World War. In: Academic Staff Common Room Society.

Wolff, Jonathan (2006) Risk, Fear, Blame, Shame and the Regulation of Public Safety.

Wolff, Jonathan and Haubrich, Dirk (2006) Economism and its Limits.

Wolff, Jonathan and Steiner, Hillel (2006) Disputed land claims: a response to Weatherson and to Bou-Habib and Olsaretti.

Wooldridge, Frank (2006) Employee participation under the cross-border mergers directive. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (67). p. 1. ISSN 1461-2097

Wooldridge, Frank (2006) The German private company limited partnership. Amicus Curiae, 2006 (64). pp. 21-28.


Zalabardo, Jose (2006) Bonjour, Externalism and The Regress Problem.

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